Waynesville Weekly Updates w/Mayor Sean A. Wilson
Waynesville Weekly Updates w/Mayor Sean A. Wilson
Weekly Waynesville Update for the Week of December 3, 2024
Ready to discover how a small town is making big strides in community engagement and historical preservation? In this episode, you’ll hear from Sean Wilson, the dedicated mayor of Waynesville, as he shares the latest initiatives transforming the town's landscape. From a newly funded tax center providing essential services to a revamped website and an upcoming app for better communication, Waynesville is setting the stage for the future. You'll also learn about the exciting plans for a new marquee at a major intersection to keep everyone updated on local happenings.
Mayor Wilson expresses his gratitude to the Kiwanis Club of Palassi County for their heartwarming Christmas parade and invites residents to join efforts in preserving the rich history of Waynesville. With a call for volunteers for the historical preservation committee, there's a chance for you to contribute to documenting the town's enduring legacy. As you listen, you'll feel the mayor's passion for honoring the past while embracing the future, ensuring that every day's events are captured and cherished for generations to come.
Good morning. This is Sean Wilson, the mayor of Waynesville, with your weekly update for December 3rd 2024. First of all, I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you to the Kiwanis Club of Palassi County. This past weekend they put on a great Christmas parade. We want to thank everybody that came out to make it possible and, of course, the citizens that came out to support their efforts. So we want to say thank you for continuing your commitment to making our community what it is. Also, I want to remind everyone of this great resource that we have coming to the second week of January. It is a tax center. It's going to be April 15, 2025. It'll be located at 201 North Street from Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm. Monday through Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm. Again, that is at 201 North Street. 201 North Street is the old police department that is located next to the Waynesville Ruby Dew Park. Now this is a grant funded opportunity for free services, so it includes military retirees, dod retirees, civilian non-military retirees and Gold Star families. So please spread the word. We'll continue to push information now to make sure that everyone knows about it and its relocation, but we're very excited about having this resource in our community. I also want to notify everyone that we did have a project with our stump dump and its modifications, and erecting a coded entry into that facility so that our citizens can have more accessible access to that resource. So the fence is down. They're doing some modifications and we're very excited about the finished product. So I'll keep you updated with the details and when it's going to be finished and how it's going to work as the days go on. So we'll see that happening here. Hopefully within the next 60 to 90 days. We'll see that happening here. Hopefully within the next 60, 60 to 90 days, we'll see even more construction in that area. I also want to remind everyone that we will have a website update. You won't it'll be the same URL, but you'll see different, a different picture of a website there, and you will also have an opportunity to download an app. We'll make sure we keep everybody informed on that, but we're getting closer and closer to that project being finished. That should be in place by the first of the year. So, to assist with our communication campaign, one of the other things is we're going to be putting up a marquee at the intersection of Hawaii Highway 17 and Route 66. That should happen sometime in the coming year maybe, maybe somewhere around six months, but we're going to have that there so that we can control and share information on a marquee from city hall. So we'll keep all of our citizen, those that pass through, updated on any detours, any events and things along that line to try to get that information out there. Again, this is a part of our communication campaign to make sure that we can get the information to our citizens a lot quicker and make it more accessible by many different avenues. With that being said, I do want to say thank you. Thank you for the overwhelming support with the City Podcast Please continue to share and thank you for emails of support in our effort. We really do appreciate it. It's unbelievable how much support we have throughout the city. It's an honor to work and support the city of Waynesville and the people of our community, very proud and very happy to serve here. I am looking forward A few volunteers who are interested in working as part of a historical preservation committee seeking to capture and document community and city history.
Mayor of Waynesville:I think this is very important. On our city seal it says that we are preserving the past and planning for the future. I think the past is more than just 50 years ago. It's yesterday. It's all of the history that we make. Each and every day is important, so we want to capture that make. Each and every day is important, so we want to capture that. We want to continue to capture that as we continue to move forward and tell our story and how the city of Waynesville has evolved over the years. A lot of things happen here. We had a lot of great contributions that have been made, but we want to make sure we capture them and keep everything documented. So if you are interested in something along that lines, please email me at mayor at Waynesville Moorg. Mayor at Waynesville Moorg.
Mayor of Waynesville:Also, we have a electric signal box that is on the corner of Route 66 and North Benton Street. That's right there in front of Lone Oak Printing. We will soon have a wrap installed there. That location it and it will highlight a lot of the local historical designs. Now the design was made by Lone Oak and Tim Berry and his team there. They put a design together and we're going to have that decorative. And why is that important? We're excited about it because it creates another stopping point for those that pass through our city and with them stopping in a city, we hope that they will shop in the city. So this is another way for us to support our local businesses and give people a reason to stop. And this is what's going to make our community unique is because we are going to do things that's going to highlight our community. We're going to teach people about our community as they come through our community. So, with that being said, we're very excited about that happening. And that's all weather dependent on when that that rap will be installed, of course, but hopefully we can see it here within the next 60 days.
Mayor of Waynesville:I also owe you a trivia question of the week. I started this a long time ago, but I just started to put a lot of the questions. I have all of the questions for the whole year next year already written out, so I want to share that with you. Today I'm going to ask this question what year did the first Christmas parade take place? What year did the first Waynesville Christmas parade take place? I'll share that answer next week. If you want to participate, you can always send an email. We'll converse and um and, if you want, I can give you a coin for answering the question, but most of the time I just have people that just want the questions, they want to challenge themselves. So just kind of think about it again. That question is what year did the first Waynesville Christmas parade take place?
Mayor of Waynesville:All right, just to tell you, there is an event this week that I want to make sure everybody's aware of. It is Christmas on the square, is taking place on December 5th from 6 PM to 9 PM, of course, on a downtown Waynesville square. Make sure you dress warm. I hope to see you down there. Um, and I do want to say thank you for the organizers of this. This is not a city organized event, but it's a city supported event. So we want to make sure that we can support them and make sure they are successful in what they bring to our community. Last year I can't remember I think it was over 70 vendors that were there. So come on out and join us this week in the Waynesville Square for Christmas on the Square. It's going to be a great event. Just make sure you dress warm, enjoy yourself. And also remember there will be some traffic there on the square and some detours, so make sure you watch your speed as you drive through. And that concludes this week's update and I look forward to seeing you around the town.